Our Key Stage 1 Team
Year 1: Miss Winston (Mrs Brooks currently on Maternity Leave)
Year 2: Miss Shutt
Intervention Base: Miss Clark
PPA Teacher: Mrs Roberts
Our Teaching Assistants are:
Mrs Smith, Mrs Buckley, Miss McLaughlin & Miss Oana
Our Key Stage 2 Team
Year 3: Mrs Lea
Year 4: Mr Burrowes
Year 5: Miss McCallion
Year 6: Mrs Young, Mrs McNulty & Miss Whitehead
PPA Teacher: Mrs Roberts
PE: Mr Hayward
Our Teaching Assistants are:
Mrs Brassey, Mrs McKee, Mrs Buckley, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Fazakerley and Mrs Salusbury
The National Curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises of:
Computing (ICT)
Art and Design
Design Technology (DT)
Physical Education
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education.
Phonics and ReadinG
Our English Coordinator is Mrs Young
Phonics are taught from foundation 1 through to Year 2 in daily 15 - 30 minute lessons. Phonic teaching continues through Key Stage 2 and intervention is given to those children who need support.
We follow ‘Little Wandle’ in Key Stage 1 a which aims to develop children who can confidently decode, blend words to read and segment words to spell.
Through our reading scheme we aim to encourage children to approach all books with enthusiasm and interest. Books in our reading scheme have been carefully chosen to cover a wide range of genre including non-fiction. The interest of boys, girls and equal opportunities have been considered. Our books are continually updated.