Our Science Vision and Principles
We want all children to be enthusiastic, interested and curious, building on their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, asking their own questions and using different types of scientific enquiry.
And by providing all our children with a challenging, engaging and safe environment, we are encouraging a lifelong love of learning and creating scientists of the future.
We are confident, enthusiastic, interested and curious in our lessons.
We are hands on, practical and investigative.
We ask our own questions and are able to independently and collaboratively explore and discover.
We are able to verbalise the learning taught using appropriate scientific vocab.
We work scientifically, improving and building upon previous learning.
We enjoy taking science outside and making the most of our remarkable outdoor learning environment.
At St Michael and All Angels Catholic Primary, we encourage children to be inquisitive throughout their time at school and beyond. The Science curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity in children about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living. We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes. Throughout the topics covered, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group, as well as the application of scientific skills. We ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently and continue to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.